网赌正规真人实体在线平台 recognizes learning acquired in the military by accepting the credit recommendations
of the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. In
addition, a student may earn credits awarded by institutions listed in the ACE National
Guide to Educational Credit for Training Program and the Directory of the National
Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction, as long as the courses are at the
college level.
Only those courses actually listed in these directories which have been approved for
a specific period of time and which correspond to the actual time the student completed
the course will be acceptable as college credit. Other non-collegiate training will
be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Credits will be evaluated only from official transcripts requested by the student
from the American Council on Education’s Registry of Credit Recommendations from the
organization that provided the training. Military credits will be evaluated only from
official military documents. Official military transcripts must be received by the
end of the student's second quarter.
A maximum of three Physical Education credits will be awarded for physical conditioning
and all other military credit is limited to a 15-credit maximum in the restricted
electives for the Associate in Arts and Sciences degree.
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